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Monday 15 September 2014

Introducing Kate!!

Welcoming Kate to our Obedience Instructor Team!!

I got my first dog a Rottweiler called Fang in 2004 and immediately set upon reading as many training books as I could find so that I could provide him with the best life possible and train him in a way that was sensitive, fun and enhanced our bond and relationship. I became determined to show people that there was a better way to train our dogs and show people the results that positive training could achieve. We started puppy training classes at a club in Leeds which started my passion for dog training, we excelled at the exercises and he grew up to be a happy, funny and affectionate member of our family. 

In July 2012 I signed up to a Dog Training Theory course at Reaseheath and was inspired, I knew that positive training worked but this course helped me to understand why it worked. I completed this course and received a level 3 qualification in dog training theory. At this point I was hooked and quickly signed up to the next course receiving a level 3 qualification in Canine Anatomy and Physiology. I then continued to sign on to as many courses as I could from aggression seminars to Tellington Touch workshops and also applied to become a member of the KCAI and continue to work towards accreditation. 

In November 2012 I got my second dog Alfie a Cockapoo who definitely keeps me on my toes, we have an amazing relationship and he is an absolute joy to train, we worked through the different stages of the Kennel Clubs Good Citizen Dog Scheme from puppy to Gold and attend regular agility classes. We have trained in Flyball, Treibball, and platinum obedience but our main passion is tricks and heelwork to music.

I teach KCGCDS at Dig It Dog Training Club and am passionate about helping owners to understand their dogs and train in a way that enhances their relationship and that is fun! In the future I hope to continue to build up my knowledge and skills, the beauty of it being that we never stop learning from our dogs and I am thoroughly enjoying the journey of discovery.

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